The Skinny on Botox™ and Bruising
“Doctor Vicki I have to tell you a story! My friend had Botox™ done and she had HUGE bruises all over her eyes, she totally went to the wrong place and I even told her to come here!”
True or False?
False, I say!!
Bruises are common! Normal! And to be expected!
Once and for all, for all you listeners and nay-sayers, blamers, and bruise-haters, ANYTIME you put a needle into the skin, there is ALWAYS a chance of a bruise. No matter who does it, in what fancy, swanky office or not, bruises happen, period.
The key is, there is a CHANCE it will happen. It doesn’t happen all the time, in fact it may have NEVER happened to you lucky few, but if you get Botox™ enough times, you will eventually get a bruise. Remember, needle + skin = potential bruise.
What I personally do and train all my staff injector MD’s, PA’s and nurses to do, is to heavily try to REDUCE your chances of getting bruises.
Read on and to be enlightened and educated about Botox™ bruises.
First off is avoid alcohol ( especially wine) for approximately one week before your appointment.
Alcohol is an excellent blood thinner and the “thinner” the blood, the more likely it is to continue to bleed if your dermatologist grazes a tiny blood vessel while administering your BOTOX™.
Second, avoid aspirin or ibuprofen , all of them! (Aleve, Advil, etc).
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